Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Maybe I'll go for a walk

Well, I guess I better go outside soon. It's a beautiful day, and I would like to go for a walk. I have been doing nothing all week, consisting mostly of looking at stuff online and reading actual books. I ordered a stitching kit from Sublime Stitching the other day. I want to learn to embroider. That should be fun. I'd like to include stitching projects as part of Leisure Society. Imagine embroidering a tea towel or an apron? It's very Jane Austen. 

I wish I had a yard or a garden to tend to. That would be the perfect thing to do today. Oh, how I dream of a yard of my own! Then I would never leave the property. I could lay there all day in a little patch of sun like a cat. I would plant a little garden of herbs and veggies to use in our cooking. I've always believed that I have a green thumb. I just haven't ever tried to grow anything. 

I have to tell you about the dog next door. Please forgive me if you are a dog-lover. It's not really a secret that I have little love for dogs. If your dog is smart and doesn't jump all over me as soon as it enters the room, I may grow to like it, but probably not. Anyway, both of my next door neighbors have dogs. And of course, they both have yards, those lucky bastards. So one of the dogs is out in the yard barking literally non-stop at least 10 times a day. It begins at 7:30am and continues on and off all day long until about 11:30pm. I am at home all day now, doing nothing as it were, and it. is. driving. me. crazy! Have you seen the movie Son of Sam? Doesn't the guy go crazy and become a serial killer from a dog barking in his neighborhood?? 

OK, I just had to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening. You are a true friend. 

1 comment:

pomly said...

Would you like to come over and plants some seeds with me? Get your hands in the dirt? It's very relaxing. Then you can visit again later and we can eat the harvest. But...dilemma...we have a dog! Oh what to do?