Sunday, October 26, 2008

Apple Pie

A few weeks ago, Matt said he wanted to go apple-picking and then bake an apple pie from scratch. It sounded like a good idea to me. We went to Connecticut to visit my oldest brother and his partner, and they took us to a nearby orchard. We had a wonderful afternoon of apple-picking, and we got a few pumpkins to boot! The best part was the homemade apple cinnamon doughnuts at the orchard. Our camera was broken at that time, so unfortunately we have no photos from that day. We picked a bushel and 1/2 of 3 or 4 different kinds of apples, including some delicious Japanese green apples.

Matt's mom is a master baker, so we knew we could get a recipe from her. We got everything we needed for pie baking right here in Williamsburg, Brooklyn at The Brooklyn Kitchen on Lorimer St. We purchased a pie pan, a rolling pin, and a pastry blender...items I never thought I would own. It was great to be able to buy everything in our own neighborhood, and not have to go into the city.

The recipe looked fairly simple, as all delicious things are. I was nervous though, because I haven't done a lot of baking in my life. Matt had grown up watching his mom bake all sorts of things, so he remembered a lot. It turned out to be pretty easy. The house was filled with a warm, wonderful aroma. We could hardly wait for it to cool. It was amazing!! I couldn't believe we made a pie from scratch with apples that we picked from the trees ourselves!

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