Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Off to Greece!

Matt and I leave for Greece tomorrow. I am nervous. 10 years ago I used to travel every few months for work, I was a pro. Now I travel less and less and it makes me nervous. We will hit Athens first, then take a hydrofoil ferry to Aegina, then we head to Delphi, then back to Athens for one more night before we come home. Travel has to be my # 1 favorite leisure activity. I just want to travel constantly. I love staying at hotels, I love planes, trains, buses and boats, and I love living out of a suitcase. I get bummed out when it's time to come back here to New York.

I encourage you, if there's anyone reading this, to take a vacation. Travel! Get a different view of life. Trust me, the office will survive without you for a few days, maybe even a week. Somehow, the work will get done. It always does. Use your vacation days! You're not going to get that time back. Don't put it off. There's always going to be something, some reason why you "can't" be out of the office. So why not just go?


pomly said...

Have fun Christina!!
I am going to Jamaica on Tuesday!

Molly said...
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